Hey guys!

In this post, I will be discussing my (solo) travel bucket list. I put solo between brackets because I don’t know yet if I want to travel solo as much, because I don’t have any experience being abroad on my own. For those of you who don’t know what a bucket list is:

a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying

It apparently originated from the expression to kick the bucket (to die). So basically, a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before kicking the bucket. A travel bucket list specifically is a list of destinations you want to see or visit before dying, or in this case, in 2017.

Let’s kick it off! (pun intended)

  • Australia (Cairns)

I have a friend who recently moved from the UK to Australia and I would love to see her there. Moreover, Cairns is home to one of the most beautiful and largest coral reef systems: the Great Barrier Reef. I wouldn’t mind doing a bit of snorkeling and deep-sea diving here.

  • USA (Grand Canyon)
Grand Canyon National Park Arizona, USA Found The World

Aside from this obvious choice, there are a lot of places in the glorious US of A I want to visit. I’ve never been outside of Europe, but I intend to change that as soon as possible. I’ve heard a lot of crazy things about nature across the pond and I’d like to find out for myself. I feel like the Grand Canyon would be a great place to start. Not to mention, afterwards I could go chill out in California.

  • Finland (Glass Dome Hotel)
... the Northern Lights from Glass Igloos at Hotel Kakslauttanen, Finland

I NEED to see the Northern Lights in Finland, preferably sleeping in one of these glass domes. The thing is, these are rather expensive, so I’ll probably have to wait to do this with somebody else. Also, let’s be honest, this whole “sleeping in a glass igloo and falling asleep while looking at the stars” thing is way too romantic to do it by yourself.

  • South America (Machu Picchu)

I feel like this is something everyone needs to see at least once in life. Historic ruins like these should be on everyone’s travel bucket list. It seems like a beautiful historic place to spend a day and maybe explore the surrounding mountains. The Incas who inhabited this place centuries ago had a big impact on the world, so I think visiting this place could really help give us insights into why the world today is the way it is. This could fit in perfectly into a South America road trip or trekking route.

  • Thailand
Brown Wooden Docked Boat at Daytime

I included this place because it is just SO versatile. It literally has everything. Big city stuff in Bangkok, great food all over the country, breathtaking nature for backpacking or taking a scenic route, interesting culture in the temples and ruins and even cozy little shops and markets. I got urged to go here by a friend from high school, who has Thai roots. We were supposed to go there together with some other friends, but sadly that didn’t happen. That doesn’t mean it never will though.

  • Delphi
some pictures from delphi greece delphi

I have to admit, I got the idea for Delphi from a YouTube video by Vsauce (He takes a selfie in Delphi here). Michael posts some amazing, mind-blowing stuff, so be sure to check him out. However, there’s just something about archaeological sites that fascinates me. When I was in Pompeii with my classmates in a last-year-of-high-school trip, I was baffled. I couldn’t believe I was walking on the same roads that people who died over two thousand years ago also walked on. That being said, I would love to feel that again, but in a different place. And that is why Delphi is on this list.

  • Emerald Lake (Alberta, Canada)
Panoramio is closing. Learn how to back up your data .

Disclaimer: I do realize there are tons of beautiful lakes in the world and by no means am I saying this one is the best of all.

I found this lake while I was browsing the online for travelling ideas (as I often do) and I was stunned. The sheer beauty of the surrounding mountains would make me want to buy a ticket to Canada and not even worry about the rest. Besides, after checking out the stunning nature in this park, I could go chill out in Calgary, Alberta and see some of that Canadian politeness all for myself.

Well, that was all of them. For now. If you guys have any thoughts on these, let me know. If you have any recommendations for me, let me know as well. I’ll be sure to check them out. Thanks for reading!


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